As the recent cold weather affected your outdoor activities and exercise routine? By staying active through the cold weather, you can improve your mood, energy levels, and overall health. By observing the safety tips listed below, you can reduce your risk of injury and increase your enjoyment of the outdoors.
- Pay attention to temperature and wind chill: If the temperature drops below zero F or the wind chill is below -20F, you should hit the treadmill.
- Protect your hands and feet: It is estimated that as much as 30% of your body heat escapes through your hands and feet.
- Dress in layers: It is important to start with a thin layer of synthetic material such as polypropylene, which wicks sweat away from your body. stay away from cotton as a base layer as it holds moisture and will keep you wet. If it is really cold out, you will need a middle layer, such as polar fleece for added insulation.
- Avoid overdressing: You should feel a slight chill off your body the first 5 minutes of winter running; after that, you should warm-up.
- Protect your head: Wearing a hat that will help prevent heat loss is very important.
- Do not stay in wet clothes: If you get wet from rain, snow or even from sweat in chilly temperatures, you are at risk for hypothermia. It is important that you change wet clothing immediately and get to warm shelter as quickly as possible.
- Stay hydrated: Despite the cool weather, you will still heat up and loos fluids through sweat. The cool air also has a drying effect, which can increase the risk of dehydration. Make sure you drink water or sports drinks before, during and after you run.
- Remember sunscreen: Sunburn is still possible in the winter. It is also important to protect your lips with lip balm.
- Take it easy when it is frigid: The colder the temperature becomes, the greater your risk for a pulled muscle when running in the cold, so warm up slowly and run easily on very cold days.
- Run in the wind: If at all possible, head out into the wind, so that on your return run, the wind will be at your back when you are sweaty and could catch a chill.